Sports and Activities
Find out more about the village sporting facilities and various groups and activities available to village residents and local people.
Football pitches available to hire, children's playground and tennis court available for residents.
Knit and Natter Group
We meet once a month at Sherfield House, Pound Lane. Please phone Elizabeth on 323575 for further information.

The bowling and croquet greens are in use throughout the summer, with competitions every week: Bowling on Mondays at 6.30pm, and Wednesdays at 2.00pm. Croquet on Tuesdays at 2.00pm, with an advanced players session on Fridays at 2.00pm.
New members are very welcome.
See more . . .
Football Club
The Sherfield English Football Club is managed by Ian Lucas on 01794 524 423
Tennis Club
For the time being the tennis courts are free to use on a turn-up-and-play basis, and open to all village residents. If a specific time is required for a group then the hard courts can be booked at any time by calling Marion 01794 322 456.
Rounders is played as an annual tournament in Sherfield English. The competition is intense, but very good humoured!
There are regular friendly matches with other villages, and an annual 'Village v Manor' match has been the highlight of the season for the past few years. Contact Stephen Dovey on 01794 884 319
Anyone who would like to start a village Tennis/Cricket club for adults or children please contact Stephen Dovey 01794 884 319 or email serp@sherfieldenglish.org.uk