SERP 2000 Sherfield English Recreation Project 2000
We hope that you enjoyed the festive period and moving into 2024. And so another year is upon us, and what weather we’ve had! From wild and wet to bright and very, very cold.
The wet weather has again caused issues to the pitches at the Sports Field
with a number of matches cancelled and extra work for the greens-man trying to get the pitches back in use. You may have seen that the children’s playground has sadly been closed for the time being. The equipment has suffered badly from the frequently soaked ground causing the structures to
We have received some very generous donations from villagers towards the playground repairs/refurbishment and we are so very grateful for these. The equipment is however now beyond simple repairs and must be replaced
at a much greater cost and this is dependent on the drainage being
The committee are working with the Parish Council and both TVBC and
other bodies in order to secure the funding needed to put in the drainage to
keep the site functioning all year and to replace the playground equipment.
News from the Pavilion.
The site is an important hub for the village and is an asset for all to use. We are a small committee working hard to make the recreation ground remain
at the heart of Sherfield English’s village life, but we do need help.
Could you volunteer to perhaps help on our committee, or to get involved in the planning of events? We need willing souls to join our merry band, and no particular experience necessary. The more helpers we have the
more the work’s spread out, and the more fun for all.
We know that everyone leads busy lives, but we need help to make the progress to benefit us all.
Jerome Hoffman Chairman SERP2000
Funded and run by the village charity SERP 2000. Defibrillator here.
Volunteers and new committee members always welcome.
Contacts: Chair: Jerome Hoffman 07881 314584 Sec: Julie Bellamy
Play area: 07979 785 559 Croquet & Bowling: Contact Jenny Hayter 01794 322674
Mon/Wed 2-4pm Fri 2-4pm & 6-8pm Annual fee £40 £2/2 hour game
Football manager: Mathew Mills – 01794 884 731
Tennis court: –Contact Toni – 01794 323 325 for access
Events: See Newsletter, website & Facebook for dates. Come and join in!