Whiteparish exchange– A36, Salisbury end of village. FTTC available to some– contact your supplier to upgrade to a fibre service if you are within about 1.2 km of this cabinet.
Wellow 15 (5) – Outside The Hatchett. FTTC – some residents along A27 who were on Wellow 5 are now connected to the new FTTC Wellow 15 cabinet. Contact your supplier to upgrade to a fibre service if you are within about 1.2 km of this cabinet and think you may be connected to it.
Wellow 5 – Mill Lane – ‘behind’ Wellow 15 at Hatchett corner
I suggest you talk to your neighbours and look at using the rural Gigabit voucher scheme and request an FTTP scheme quote. Previously we have had reasonable quotes for your area and now vouchers rebates are higher – so try again.
West Wellow 3 - A27 south of The Hatchet, Church/Pound Lane.
I suggest you talk to your neighbours and look at using the rural Gigabit voucher scheme and request an FTTP scheme quote. Previously we have had reasonable quotes for your area and now government voucher contributions are higher so may cover the whole cost - it might be worth trying again.
Lockerley 4 –Doctor’s Hill, Newtown Road, The Banks, North Common, Gambledown, Carters Clay
Upper Doctor’s Hill – scheme co-ordinator Eric. The first community FTTP scheme now signed and waiting to be built. You will have already been directly contacted if you are part of this scheme.
Lower Doctor’s Hill (and Newtown road neighbours) – scheme co-ordinator John. Just waiting for final quote for small scheme of about 10 houses. Currently about £1800 per property which is just a little bit more than the rural gigabit vouchers will cover, hoping presence of neighbouring scheme might bring final costings down.
Newtown road (A27 end) - scheme co-ordinator Sarah. Initial quote received and again (about £1700 property) which is just a little bit more than the rural gigabit vouchers will cover- hoping presence of neighbouring scheme might bring final costings down.
Romsey exchange – Dunwood Manor. Talk to your neighbours! Group together in smallish clusters and look at rural Gigabit voucher scheme.
Check your cabinet connection and available options using http://www.dslchecker.bt.com/adsl/adslchecker.welcome
Register your interest in a community fibre partnership on Openreach website https://www.openreach.com/fibre-broadband/community-fibre-partnerships/
Do email me if you have any questions about local schemes or would like to start your own! Previous updates can be found on village website.