Gardening Clubs
The Sherfield English Gardening Club has unfortunately had to close due to a decline in membership.
However the Hampshire Branch of the National Vegetable Society is now meeting @The Village Hall, generally 2nd Tuesday of the month. See 'What's On' for details of individual meetings. FREE ALL Welcome!
There are several Garden Clubs within the area and the Chairman of the Whiteparish Garden Club will welcome anyone who would like to join them. Their meetings are usually held on the fourth Thursday of the month in the Memorial Centre at 7:30 pm.
Lockerley & District Gardening Club have details about their club in the
Village Newsletter and can be found on this website
The Village also have an annual Garden Show as part of the Village Summer Fete
each August. All entrants very welcome, novices partciularly welcomed.
For any more information, please ring Greta:322250
or email: greta.thew373@btinternet.com